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Enter to InCounselling50+ Self-directed course

Contact Incounselling50+ project team if you don't have user name and password to login to the course.

The so-called self-directed learning course is based on the assumption that learners independently select individual topics for themselves and work on them. This means that only selected, single learning units are done (and not all of them). Each Nugget provides various ways of learning: a video, a text file, tasks and solutions, a self-assessment and a discussion, from which everybody can choose what he/she prefers.

In addition to the online course, there is a classroom training with seven modules. The online learning units - so-called Learning Nuggets - are assigned to the seven modules’ topics. Each module deepens certain points of the classroom training, and is represented with a character online, which you find below. The seven modules are:

1. The labour market for 50+ and demography management

2. Employer obligations and occupational health management

3. Professional psychology of individuals50+

4. Organizational behavior in context 50+

5. Information and knowledge management

6. Introduction to consulting50+

7. Collegial consultation




This is the material for the face-to-face trainings. Participants can find everything in the leaner’s workbook, trainers will find suggestions for the training in the trainer guide. Apart from that all PowerPoint presentations are accessible as well.

 IO4 Learner's Workbook EN

IO4 Learner's Workbook DE

IO4 Learner's Workbook HR

                                                                                        IO4 Learner's Workbook PL


PPT files 



This handbook introduces the topics ‚peer learning‘ and ‚peer counselling‘. It also includes a practical process of a peer counselling session and an overview of coaching, mentoring and supervision.

IO7 Peer Counselling Handbook EN

IO7 Peer Counselling Handbook DE

IO7 Peer Counselling Handbook HR

IO7 Peer Counselling Handbook PL

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